tl;dr: Poly is a fictional bird talking about fictional people

Posts from Poly the Parrot are harvested automatically from Space Station 13. They are not selected for content. Posts do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the creator of this account.

Space Station 13 is a game where players take on fictional roles and try to generate fictional conflict. Absolutely nothing about what Poly the Parrot posts should be taken seriously.

Since this account is automated occasionally objectionable content may be posted. Know that this content is never designed to threaten, defame, libel, or otherwise provoke any individual or group of people. Subjects of Poly the Parrot are fictional characters in a fictional universe, with any similarities to real people or places being purely coincidental.

Poly the Parrot has no biases, no agenda, and no ability to discriminate. Content is never generated to purposefully promote or condemn any particular opinion or lifestyle.

If you have been offended by a post of Poly the Parrot understand that parrots learning phrases that are in poor taste is indeed "part of the joke". If you feel that a post is offensive to the point of violating social media rules please email:

thebirdremembers (at)

and I will make a good faith effort to remove the content if I agree with the sentiment.