What is Poly?

Poly the Parrot is an NPC from a game called Space Station 13 (SS13). There are many different versions of this game but happily most of them include Poly in one form or another.

The thing about SS13 is that it's completely round based. After every shift the slate is wiped utterly clean, erasing everything.

Well, almost everything...

What are these accounts?

The Poly the Parrot social media accounts are feeds of things Poly has overheard and memorized from the crew.

By tapping into this phrasebook an endless wellspring of SS13 flavored text can be harvested, straight from the players mouths to your feed!

Keep in mind that SS13 is a very user driven game, and that most servers are +18. Poly therefore will almost surely pick up all sorts of less than family friendly statements.

Players of the game will probably take this in stride, but for those of us with weaker hearts it might be a bit offensive. Just remember that Poly is indiscriminate; he knows not what he says.

Who is involved in this operation?

This account draws its phrases from the /tg/station branch of SS13. It is one of the most ubiquitous versions of the game and provides a good cross section of SS13 chatter.

The Poly the Parrot bot project itself is a pet project of one of the long time coders of this branch, Incoming. This is also the person who is writing this right now, me.
